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XRF E-Newsletter

From the British Crystallographic Association - Industrial Group

Volume 18.

January 2014 - detailing XRF events and news.

Dear XRF subscriber,

Welcome to the eighteenth issue of the British Crystallographic Association (BCA) Industrial Group dedicated XRF Newsletter. There is a copy of this Newsletter on the web to share with your colleagues.

NEXT Meeting 18th June 2014.

The meeting and exhibition will be held at the University of Leicester. Please consider giving a talk at this meeting.

More information and Call for talks is here.... Registration opens in early February.

New Committee Members

Would you like to join us on the XRF sub-committee? We are looking for people with fresh ideas to keep this group lively and relevant.

We organise one meeting a year, almost entirely by email correspondence, so the time commitment is not excessive.

Please speak to any current committee member or email: r.schwarz24@gmail.com.

DOT-1 Participant Sample Summary

View a summary of the results so far from the DOT-1 sample distributed at the April meeting. Click here... for the PDF document. The full report will be presented at the June meeting and there will be a discussion of results by participants and attendeees.

Last call for results for DOT-1

Do you have that sample of DOT-1 gathering dust in the back of a drawer? There's still time to dig it out and pass it through your XRF. Send the results to r.schwarz24@gmail.com, by the end of February and be included in the grand summary!

Can you offer a material for DOT-2?

Our brown field participant material DOT-1 produced some very interesting results and we would like to continue the series. Could you provide a material for DOT-2? A different matrix would be ideal - anything from iron oxide to lead - and particularly if it has some tricks up its sleeve.

XRD Newsletter

December 2013 XRD Newsletter - Click here... to view. Please make sure any interested colleagues are aware of its publication.

New on our Web Site

A list of XRF Standard Methods - Click here... to view. If you know of any we have missed please send details via the submit a contribution link below.

About us.

The British Crystallographic Association (BCA) is a UK charity (#284718) and the Industrial Group is one of four subject groups.

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Forthcoming Events

18 June 2014 XRF meeting at Leicester University.

BCA Membership!

Membership of the BCA.

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XRF Mailing List!

Regular updates about our XRF activities for anyone who signs up to our mailing list.

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If you received this Newsletter via E-mail you are already signed up! Follow instruction in the E-mail to UNSUBSCRIBE.

Links Page

Explore our wide ranging XRF web resource - we need your help to expand it!

On our Web site

Try our XRF books page. If it's not already there, use the on-line form submit your favourite book.

Submit a contribution

Send a contribution by E-mail for our web pages, offer an article for our Newsletter or a presentation at a future meeting

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