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XRF E-Newsletter

From the British Crystallographic Association - Industrial Group

Volume 14.

February 2012 - detailing XRF events and news.

Welcome to the forteenth issue of the British Crystallographic Association (BCA) Industrial Group dedicated XRF Newsletter.

2012 Meeting

Joint BCA/RSC XRF meeting 23rd May 2012 at the University of Leicester. There are still a few XRF programme slots, so please e-mail to offer a talk at the meeting.

Registration is now open soon and there are sponsorship opportunities at the meetings. The meeting is followed on the 24th March by an XRD Meeting at the same venue.

Move to Google Sites.

The move to Google sites is now complete and we now have a new XRF books page, so please submit details of any books we have not yet listed.

Crystallography News on the WWW.

Did you know that back copies of Crystallography News are now posted on the web 6 months after the paper publication? Watch out for the 2011 XRF reports in issue 118, available now to members and to all in March.

XRD Newsletter

Take a look at the latest XRD Newsletter and make sure any interested collegues are made aware of the link.

About us.

The British Crystallographic Association (BCA) is a UK charity (#284718) and the Industrial Group is one of four subject groups.

Click for more details...

Forthcoming Events

May 2012

23rd May 2012 XRF meeting at Leicester University.

24th May 2012 XRD Meeting also at Leicester University.

Sponsor these meetings.

BCA Membership!

Membership of the BCA.

Click for more details...

XRF Mailing List!

Regular updates about our XRF activities for anyone who signs up to our mailing list.

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If you received this Newsletter via E-mail you are already signed up! Follow instruction in the E-mail to UNSUBSCRIBE.

Links Page

Try our external links page - we need your help to expand it!

NEW Home page.

add the new site to your favourites now!

On our Web site

Migration to Google sites is now complete, but registration forms and some older pages will remain our original site.

Try our XRF books page and have your favourite book added.

Submit a contribution

Send a contribution by E-mail for our web pages, offer an article for our Newsletter or a presentation at a future meeting

© Copyright 2012 BCA Industrial Group

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