
ABSTRACTS will be added here as they become available.

Session 1: Introduction to XRF for beginners.

Theoretical Introduction to XRF

Author Nick Marsh, University of Leicester

X-Rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, a fundamental feature of our Universe, that transmits energy and carries information. X-Rays interact intimately with matter in a variety of ways some of which we can use to derive information that is useful in quantitative and qualitative chemical analysis. The numbers of X-Ray photons and atoms involved are generally very large which allows for statistically based predictions in a number of areas enhancing the power of XRF as an analytical technique. There is much to cover so the presentation will be a taster rather than comprehensive exposition introducing the basics of X-Ray nomenclature, atomic structure and the interaction of X-Rays with atoms.

Different approaches to XRF: Handheld, ED-XRF, WD-XRF use in oil exploration

Author: John Martin, Chemostrat Ltd, Unit 1 Ravenscroft court, Buttingcross, Welshpool, SY21 8SL

Tel +44 (0) 1938 555330 johnmartin@chemostrat.com

Elemental geochemistry has extensively been used in the past twenty years to help understand the geological complexities involved with oil/gas exploration and production. Over time several different approaches using XRF have been applied, with these being tailored to address various issues relating to the scale of application and the varying sample types utilised.

The presentation will outline how WD-XRF, ED-XRF and HH-XRF have been utilised to get the best possible data highlighting the

advantages/problems associated with each instrument type with respect to our application. In addition the influence of the changing nature of

the sample material involved will be discussed.

Introduction to XRF Sample Preparation: its importance and an overview of the various options.

Author: Dr. Rainer Schramm, FLUXANA GmbH & Co. KG, Borschelstr.3, 47551 Bedburg-Hau, Germany

Tel. +49 2821 99732-0, Fax +49 2821 99732-29, www.fluxana.com, info@fluxana.com

With XRF, most of the elements are only measured on the surface of the sample. This is why the condition of the sample surface with respect to smoothness and homogeneity (surface area and depth) is essential. In practice, sample preparation is the main contributing factor to the total analytical error. Thus the sample preparation for XRF becomes the most important component of a test method.

The presentation points out which parameters are important to achieve reasonable results with liquid or solid samples. For solid samples loose powders, pressed pellets and fused beads are discussed as sample preparation methods.

Overview of Typical Applications for XRF.

Author: Kevin Talmage, Rigaku.

Exploring the wide scope of uses of EDXRF in general. Giving an overview of the great variety of applications that XRF has been used for, as a rapid and “easy to use” technique for elemental analysis

Session 2: XRF Updates for Experienced Users.

The Secret of Getting Multiple XRFs to Provide Equivalent Quantification.

Author:Dr. Rainer Schramm, FLUXANA GmbH & Co. KG, Borschelstr.3, 47551 Bedburg-Hau, Germany

Tel. +49 2821 99732-0, Fax +49 2821 99732-29, www.fluxana.com, info@fluxana.com

FLUXANA is operating an XRF laboratory which works under ISO 17025 accreditation. The main focus of the lab work is traceability of the xrf results. Therefore it is very important within any method development that variability caused by the actual spectrometer becomes negligible.

Further, each method should be designed so as to be transferred to any other laboratory using a suitable equivalent spectrometer to make the method universal.

The end point would be that actual instrument to instrument deviation is removed and that any remaining error would only be caused by sample preparation issues.

Matrix Influence Correction Methods XRF Calibration

Author: Garry Smith, XRF Applications Specialist, SciMed Ltd

For the vast majority of sample types, dealing with matrix influence effects is a critical factor in obtaining reliable analytical results from XRF. Modern XRF systems often come equipped with a variety of options for theoretical matrix correction built into the software. However it is still important for the end user to have some understanding of the underlying mathematics that is being applied in order to select the best approach for a given calibration.

Here we will discuss the basics of different theoretical models, their relative pros and cons, and some alternative strategies that might be applied when theoretical corrections cannot be used.

Advanced Methods of Sample Preparation for Difficult Samples.

Author: Mike Dobby, Analytical Consultant.

For metals, pressed pellets and fused beads they are comparatively simple to prepare and are done so by many labs on a daily basis. XRF can be used to analyse virtually anything from Aspirin to Zoo-doo providing the sample is suitably prepared. The 3 golden rules of sample prep are clean, flat and homogeneous.

But what about the more unusual samples such as swarf, wood turnings, mixed plastics, wound dressings, maggots etc. how do you deal with those?

The aim of this talk is to look at the difficult samples and some possible ways to analyse them by XRF using techniques such as cryo-crushing, Inquartation and even the last resort dissolution.

Latest Developments in ED-XRF Detector Technology

Author: Dr Greg Bale, RaySpec Limited,

Detectors for ED-XRF analysis have undergone significant developments in the last decade with market acceptance of SDD sensors. This presentation summarises the technological advances in the state of the art of sensor and detector technology and their benefits to XRF users in a field that ranges from low power handheld instruments to multi-sensor systems in synchrotron radiation, ion beam and high energy physics experiments.

Plenary Session:

The use of XRF in the Geological Laboratory

Author: Dr Tom Knott, University of Leicester,

The chemical compositions of rocks are continually used to answer numerous geological research questions; including crystallisation history of igneous bodies, processes of sea floor sedimentation, nature of chemical weathering in various climates, stratigraphic correlation of sedimentary or volcanic deposits, processes of ore generation, and more. X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry has for decades been the technique of choice for geoscientists to obtain accurate and precise whole-rock geochemical analyses. In this talk I will present an overview of how XRF has contributed to a variety of exciting geological research ventures, in addition to highlighting potential pitfalls that can be experienced.

The Place of XRF in the Petroleum Industry Laboratory.

Author: Jim Barker, Energy Institute.

The XRF technique is a fundamental analytical platform in the petroleum industry. It is used quantitatively in standard methods to support international trade legislation, and refinery operations and semi quantitatively to support research in the industry.

The importance of the technique will be shown by examples: The methodology of standard methods and their impact on world trade and their advantages over other approaches. The use of XRF in characterising deposits found in fuel systems and the impact of such deposits on emissions.

The use of XRF for Analysis of Coatings and of (mostly) Organic Chemicals.

Author: Dr David Beveridge, HARMAN technology Ltd

This talk is in two parts, which have little in common apart from the fact that they use XRF, and I’m one of the comparatively few people who uses them.

Coatings, if they contain elements readily detectable by XRF, are an obvious application of the technique. If the element in question is reasonably heavy, and the coating thin, then it may well be possible to ignore interelement effects altogether, so that the calibrations are linear, even when there may be more than one analyte element present. A reasonable degree of uniformity is necessary, but it is possible to stop down the aperture to 6 or 7 mm on a normal XRF machine. Wavelength- and energy-dispersive techniques can both be applied.

Organic compounds often contain elements which can be detected by XRF: most often, those of the second short period (Na to Cl), but also heavier elements. If the sample is solid, not too reactive, and you have plenty of it, then a pressed pellet may well be applicable. However, with smaller quantities (10 - 20 mg), a solution method can be used. The sample is dissolved in a suitable solvent, a few ml are put into a liquid sample cup, and it is analysed in this form. With my equipment, Al is the lightest element I can analyse - the limiting factor is the polymer film on the liquid sample cup. Some chemical ingenuity may sometimes be required to find a suitable solvent!

Micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (µ-XRF) - Seeing more by looking at less – some dedicated applications

Author: Chris Vanhoof, Flemish Institute for Technological research (VITO), Mol, belgium Christine.vanhoof@vito.be

X-ray fluorescence analyses have already been established for some time within the VITO laboratory. At start, these analyses were focused on the bulk characterisation of samples using EDXRF spectrometry. The request to be able to perform multi-element analyses directly and on a microscopic level of samples has led to implement μ-XRF spectrometry in the laboratory. With this technique it is possible to characterise particles up to a spot size of 30 μm. Both point analyzes, line scans and mappings can be performed in a vacuum or under air. The minimal sample pre-treatment, the speed of analysis and the multi-functionality support the strength of μ-XRF spectrometry. The possibilities of the μ-XRF technique will be shown on the basis of a number of applications such as characterisation of nanoparticles collected on filters, characterisation of membranes, mappings of biological tissues.

Handheld XRF for Analysis of Counterfeit Coins.

Author: Karen Vernon-Parry, Department of Engineering and Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield S1 1WB

The author has run a science outreach activity based on identifying counterfeit pound coins for children aged 11-18 for over 5 years. This talk will describe the impact of using handheld XRF analysis to give on-site real-time confirmation of students' identification of which one of five coins is counterfeit.