
Support specifically for those with Barrett's Oesophagus and acid reflux hoping to reduce deaths to oesophageal cancer through early diagnosis:

Because Prevention is better than cure.

Barrett's can be managed; Cancer can kill!

Patients' Experiences 

Patients' own words to help others about to undergo the experience: Diagnoses, Procedures, Tips and Journeys.


ENDOSCOPY (8 stories)

CYTOSPONGE (1 story)

BREATH TEST (1 story)

BARIUM SWALLOW (a few stories)

Surgical Procedures

DILATION (1 story)


LINX (Various)

TIF (Various)

REFLUX STOP (2 stories)

IQORO (1 story)

EMR (Endoscopic Mucosal Resection)  (1 story)

ABLATION (1 story)


FUNDOPEXY (1 story)

CHOLECYSTECTOMY (Gall Bladder surgery) (1 story)

Tips and Stories

CANCER JOURNEY (2 stories)

TIPS (for refluxers)

BARRY (a different way of looking at things)


Who we are, our History and the Research Archive.

Contact Details

Reach us by email, phone or Facebook forum


support@Barretts.org.uk. This replaces the helplines previously offered by Barrett's Oesophagus Campaign and Barrett's Wessex.


07771 567009 is normally available 7 days a week from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm but please be prepared to leave a message, or send a text. Although you're welcome to phone at any time, you may also wish to book a 30 minute support call.
(N.B. The phoneline is not manned by a medically trained doctor but a patient expert.)

Online Forum

Facebook Group BarrettsEsophagusAwareness


The content of this website is intended for patients and health care providers and is provided for information only. Information provided by this site should be discussed with a qualified medical practitioner if readers have or suspect they have a health problem as it is not a substitute for direct professional medical advice or diagnosis.

We aim to offer education to complement medication.