Barrett's Day

World Barrett's Day is 16th May, the birthday of Norman Barrett who gave his name to the condition.

We need to raise awareness of Barrett's

because prevention is better than cure!

The campaign had its own website here:
but as the day becomes more recognised, a seperate site may no longer be required.

The first World Barrett's Day was celebrated on 16 May 2020 with groups participating in UK, Ireland, USA, Spain and Mexico with groups form other countries joining in subsequent years.

The focus is Barrett's Oesophagus rather than oesophageal cancer:

"We will die with Barrett's, not because of Barrett's!"*

* N.B. This is an aspiration. Although unlikely, we cannot provide a 100% guarantee those diagnosed with Barrett's and following normal medication and surveillance regimen will not develop oesophageal adenocarcinoma.

This initiative was launched jointly by the Spanish charity, Asenbar, the UK patient support charity, Barrett's Wessex and Barrett's Oesophagus UK in 2020.