Potato, mushroom, paneer and TVP curry

I found this recipe on the Sindhi Rasoi site, well worth a visit for vegetarian and vegan recipes.  As I had no paneer I replaced it with tofu. 

This recipe serves 3-4.


Nutrela (TVP) half cup

Fresh Button mushrooms 7-8

Paneer 125 gms

Potatoes 2 medium sized

Onions 1 medium sized

Tomatoes 2 large ones ( Or use one tomato and 1½ tsp of Curd)

Green chillies 2-3 or more as per taste

Garam masala 

1 inch bark of cinnamon 

A bay leaf 

A tsp of Cumin seeds

Crushed Ginger 1 inch piece

Crushed Garlic 5 cloves

Turmeric powder ¼ tsp

Coriander powder 1 heaped tsp

Salt to taste

Oil 2 tsp


1. Soak 1/2 cup of TVP in warm salted water for 15-20 minutes.

2. Peel and cut 2 medium potatoes into chunks. keep soaked under water till further use.

3. Cut the paneer/tofu into cubes , add some salt and shallow fry. Drain on kitchen towel.

4. Wipe clean fresh button mushrooms and cut them in desired shape (cut into 2/4 or slice these thickly). Again shallow fry or deep fry in little oil. Drain on kitchen towel and keep it aside.

5. In the meantime, in a pressure cooker add 2 tspns (or tad less) of oil.

6. Add 1tspn Garam masala, 1 inch cinnamon stick and 1 bay leaf and let these sizzle in oil for few seconds.

7. Add chopped onions, and saute on medium to high flame till onion turns nice golden brown colour.

8. Add 1 inch of crushed ginger and chopped garlic (you can use paste too) and saute for few more seconds.

9. Add 2 grated or chopped tomatoes, ( or one tomato and curd), 2 green chillis, salt (remember there is already some in the soaked TVP), 1/2 tsp turmeric powder and fry well.

10. When tomatoes are about to cook, add drained and squeezed Nutrela TVP and potato chunks to the cooked mixture,add coriander powder.

11. Bhuno (slow fry) for 2 minutes. Sprinkle some water if mixture tends to stick to the bottom of vessel.

12. Add around 2 cups of water, add the fried mushrooms and close the lid of pressure cooker. wait for two whistles (10 minutes). Put off the gas and let the pressure inside the cooker subside.

13. Add fried Paneer/Tofu cubes (You can sprinkle some garam masala powder and/or curry powder to heat it up to taste). Adjust the seasoning and the consistency of gravy and let it simmer for a while till it reaches the consistency you like.

14. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with either Roti or rice or both.