Completed Essays

Question 1: Would Little Red Riding Hood have had such a scary experience if she and the wolf lived in the city?

Little Red Riding Hood and her family were going about their daily lives in the forest when they were attacked by a wolf. This sort of thing could easily have taken place in the city. 

In many ways living in the city is very similar to living in the forest. In the forest you often have to travel though lonely places where there might be danger of being approached by strangers. This can happen in a big city in places such as bus stops or walking down dark streets at night. The wolf would have opportunities to approach Little Red Riding Hood when she was on her own.

When approached by strangers it is never a good idea to share personal information. Even though she was warned by her mum Little Red Riding Hood was easily fooled by the wolf to tell him where she was going and where her grandma was on her own. It's likely she would do the same thing in the city.

The wolf was easily able to overpower Grandma. His strength is not related to his location so he would still be able to lock her in the cupboard in the city. 

Little Red Riding Hood was saved by the Woodcutter. There are no  Woodcutters in the city however if Little Red Riding Hood ran out into a city street screaming for help someone is likely to help her.

If LIttle Red Riding Hood lived in the city she would still be in danger from the wolf. 

The environments both have places where the wolf could find Little Red Riding Hood alone. 

Little Red Riding Hood didn't remember not to talk to strangers, this is related to her personality so could happen anywhere.

Wolves are naturally strong and will use their strength wherever they go.

People everywhere will help Little Red Riding Hood once they realise she is in danger.

Question 2: Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs all had a scary experience with a wolf.  What tactics did the wolf use in each case.

Little Red Riding Hood and her family were attacked by a wolf in the forest. The Three Little Pigs were attacked by a wolf in their houses. The wolf used different tactics in each case. 

The wolf used deception with Little Red Riding Hood. He acted like her friend when he met her tricked her into telling him where she was going. When LIttle red Riding Hood arrived at her Grandma's house the wolf had disguised himself. He then impersonated Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood was lucky the Woodcutter was nearby to help her.

With the Three Little Pigs the wolf used his strength try to capture the pigs. He was strong enough to blow the straw house and then the stick house down, forcing the pigs to run for their lives. He also used logic to assess which houses would be the easiest to blow down. He started with the weakest houses first as he was more likely to catch the pigs in them.

The wolf used deception with Little Red Riding Hood. He tricked her into telling her where she was going then disguised himself as Grandma. 

With the Three Little Pigs the wolf used his strength try to capture the pigs. He used logic to decide which houses strong enough to destroy.