Essay writing plan

Read the question and understand how you are required to use the information you have learnt.

Use dot points for your plan, these will help you organise what you want to say as well as give you a chance to remember everything you know.

Create a quick plan using the following parts. Click each heading for more information.

Introduction: This turns the question into a statement and lets the reader know how you plan to respond.

Main points: These are the things that you believe are necessary to understand and explain to the reader. You will know what to include once you have identified the Question Type. 

Summary: This is a list of the points you have included to show that you have answered the question.

Once you have read about the 3 parts of the essay here is a link to the completed essays.

Note how the way the question is worded determines the way you use your knowledge.

If you answer a Type 3 Essay Question with a Type 1 answer, or a Type 1 Essay Question with a Type 3 answer you are likely to fail the essay.