Non Soy Tofu

Burmese (Non Soy Tofu) can be made out of Chick Peas or Red Kidney beans.

I sourced this recipe from


2 cups Dried chickpeas



Soak the chickpeas overnight (up to 1 day), then drain and rinse.

Next, grease a mold. I used a 6×6-inch glass pan; however, you could use several smaller ramekins. Set aside. 

Transfer the soaked chickpeas to a blender with 2 cups of fresh water and blend until until smooth and liquidy the consistency of a nice pumpkin soup.

If the blend is too thick add water a little at a time till its the right consistency (you can't really overdo the blending so the smoother the better!).

Strain through a nut-milk bag (or several layers of cheesecloth) and manually squeeze out as much liquid as possible.

Add the strained liquid (not the pulp) to a medium saucepan, constantly stirring while bringing it to a boil over medium heat.

It’s important to stir/whisk it constantly! Otherwise, the chickpea starch will sink to the bottom and clump.

Once simmering, keep stirring, reduce the heat to low, and allow the mixture to simmer for around 20 minutes, stirring often. It will begin to thicken almost immediately.

The longer it simmers, the firmer the chickpea silken tofu will be as more liquid evaporates.

I simmer until the liquid is slow to flow back to fill the gap left behind the stirring spoon.

Finally, pour the mixture into the prepared molds, smooth the top with a spatula, and then allow to cool at room temperature for several hours to set (and later in the fridge to firm up further). Once firm, unmold it and use it in place of silken tofu or soft tofu.