Who does what and when?

Post date: Jul 27, 2018 5:39:53 AM

Unless we live in a hotel or are lucky enough to have servants then we all have to deal with the day to day chores to keep our homes clean and pleasant.

If you live on your own you probably have to do all these chores but if you live with others then its likely you share some of them......

Do you:

Make your bed?

Put the garbage out?

Keep the floors clean?

Do the cooking?

Wash the dishes?

Do the laundry?

Iron the clothes?

Go shopping for groceries?

    • Who does which chores in your house?

    • Which chores do you do?

    • How often do you do each one?

Rank the chores, sorting them from most favoured to least favoured:

    • Why don't you like about your least favoured?

    • What do you do to avoid doing that chore?

    • Which 2 chores would you do in exchange for not doing your least favoured chore?

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