What the future holds: how much do we really want to know?

Post date: Jan 04, 2019 9:40:25 AM

If I could foretell the future I could gamble and win.....every time!

I'd know for sure if it was going to rain in the afternoon so I wouldn't have to carry my umbrella around unnecessarily.

We would know if the person we had just met was going to be a great friend, a love for life...or maybe not...

Sounds like a handy skill when considering the positives. But what about the negatives?

I would know about all the things I'd rather not know about that are going to happen to me: like accidents, failures and even all the details of my own death.

Even worse perhaps I'd know what was going to happen to those I love......

So rather than know ALL about the future I may prefer to know more about what's happening to me at the moment.

Why do I have trouble getting motivated some days but not others; why do I feel closer to others at some times; how is it life seems easy on some days but not others?

Some people will seek understanding through astrology- the study of the movements and positions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars in the belief that they affect the character and lives of people

Maybe you just check your daily horoscope on line, maybe you've become more interested and had your astrological chart calculated, delving more deeply into the characteristics of your star sign to identify strengths to support you and weaknesses you need to be wary of...

However horoscopes still seem to be foretelling your future, illuminating an already determined path.

Another way of checking where you're at on any particular day is understanding your Biorhythm cycles- a regular pattern of physical processes in an organism: Some people believe your biorhythms can influence your moods and behaviour.

Unlike astrology biorhythms won't tell you what lies ahead in your day. Instead they give you insight into how you, as an organism, could be influenced by factors that affect how you feel, think and act in the world.

You can use the Biorhythm Calculator to generate your current cycles then attempt to interpret them.

Next time you just don't feel on top of things check your biorhythms to see what they're doing...

Does your cycle interpretation ring true? Or is the answer in your stars?

Some people combine astrology and biorhythms, is this the best of both worlds?