TOEIC preparation strategies

Post date: Feb 09, 2019 8:59:50 AM

What is TOEIC

TOEIC is the acronym for “Test of English for International Communication”.

Using work related scenarios it assesses your ability to understand reports or descriptions, instructions and conversations, in both spoken and written English.

Remember that the TOEIC is not a pass or fail test. Your score is an indicator of your English language skills on the day you sit the exam.

Taking lessons and practicing your English as much as possible is the most important way to increase your score.

However there other strategies to improve your TOEIC score.

Focus on the English vocabulary used in the test:

TOEIC tests your understanding of English used in a business context. There's been a lot of research into the key words you need to be able to use to get a high score.

Understand how to effectively answer multiple choice questions

Multiple choice exams give you both the question and the answer. The trick is matching them correctly.

Fortunately there are a few basic steps to follow to maximise your score:

  • Read the question slowly and carefully BEFORE looking at the answers

  • While reading formulate a possible answer

  • Check the choices and hopefully your thoughts will be one of the answers

  • As soon as you realise you have no idea of the answer move on the next question

  • Before your time runs out go back over the unanswered questions and take a guess, let your instincts guide you

  • Before your time runs out completely make sure every question is answered even if this means quickly guessing the last few answers

Understand the test structure

The test follows a set structure and there are many test examples available.

The example tests are useful for assessing:

  • The various components and the time allowed for each part of the test

  • The specific parts of the test you are least confident about

This knowledge will be the basis for your test preparation studies, targeting those test components you have identified as your weakest. In addition you can plan how to manage your time and feelings during the test.

    • This site is text driven allowing you to research each component of the test.

    • This online test replicates exam conditions, good for timing yourself

    • This site allows you to design your own test, selecting the components you want to focus on

Understand what you have to do next

After you've completed an example test review your strengths and weaknesses.

Start to focus your preparation for your next test trial. Keep up your English study and usage!

But also keep learning about effective test taking strategies.

The more example tests you can complete the more you will understand about the TOEIC test itself.

Next real test you'll be to display your English language knowledge in an environment you understand and can control.