The 4 Seasons: or is that 2? Or 6?

Post date: Aug 23, 2018 9:37:4 AM

What's your favourite season of the year? Summer, Autumn (Fall), Winter or Spring.

Perhaps you're like me and don't have a favourite but have a season you just don't like...

How many seasons?

Most Westerners will tell you there are 4 seasons in the year. When each season starts is determined by the date....

Some European Australians living in the North of Australia in places like Darwin and Broome will tell you there are only two: The Wet season and The Dry season.

Ghanaians and Filipinos will tell you they have 2 seasons. Like the North of Australia these countries are close to the Equator.

But before we assume all countries near the Equator only have 2 seasons in Venezuela the number of seasons depends on the altitude you live at!

Is 6 seasons enough?

In the North of Australia the Australian Aboriginals recognise six seasons. These indigenous Australians have lived there for 50000 years so they have had the time to understand the seasons better than most.

Rather than using a set date to determine when each season starts they mark the seasons by changes to the flowering and fruiting of the plants they rely on for food throughout the year.

In Japan the seasons are also linked to the subtle changes in Nature that occur as the year progresses. Based on the ancient Chines almanacs the Japanese have recognised 72 seasons!

Tasks for today

    • Close your eyes and think about summer. What images does the word “Summer” evoke?

    • Now do the same for each of the seasons. Write down 3 words that summarise what each season means to you.

    • Rank the seasons in order from the one you like the most the one you like the least.

    • Discuss why you sorted them in that order?

    • Why do you like (or dislike) some seasons in particular?

    • Discuss how the seasons have an effect on what you wear and what you do in your spare time.

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