Softbank and AI and ride-sharing in Japan

Post date: Jul 20, 2018 12:13:50 PM

This article appeared in Japan Today on 19 July 2018.

Read the article and discuss:

1. The English usage in the article:

      • Are the two ways of reading "Son" in the headline?

      • Is "telecoms" correct?

      • Is Ride-sharing clearly defined early enough in the article?

2. Why is the Chief Executive so critical of Japan:

      • What points does he make to support his argument?

      • What do you think about the language he uses? Is it appropriate?

      • Why do you agree or disagree with him?

3. What is Japan's Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure and Transport response to the Chief Executive?

      • Why do you agree or disagree with official response?

4. The article also mentions AirBnB and AI:

      • Discuss why you think AirBnB and AI share enough similarities to support the argument for ride-sharing in Japan?

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