Individuality: is it really all about us?

Post date: May 20, 2020 9:1:7 AM

There's a lot to be said for being yourself but is it always a good thing?

    • Does individuality mean that I can do whatever I want to do?

    • Does being an individual mean I'm only responsible for myself, so therefore you are responsible for yourself, so therefore why should I help you in any way?

We all look different to each other (even twins!!) so this is one thing that makes us individual.

    • What does looking different means?

    • Is it O. K. to look different or should you try to look the same as other people? Why?

  • What do you think when you see someone who looks different?

  • Have you ever felt out of place because you look different?

  • What are some things you do to blend in? Do you always like doing them?

  • If you had to do one crazy thing to your appearance what would you do? Why?

  • If you got a tattoo, what would it be? Would put it on display or keep it hidden most of the time?

We have different feelings to each other which also makes us an individual.

    • What are our feelings based on?

  • Should you always act on your feelings?

  • Can feelings reliably tell us facts about things?

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