How do we express ourselves as individuals?

Post date: Dec 20, 2018 1:0:31 PM

A lot has been said about individuality taking a back seat to the societal needs and norms in Japan.

For example some argue that Japan is not a modern society.

Yet many of the issues highlighted such as bullying and harassment also exist in the so called "modern societies".

It is possible to characterise societies using a set of traits (dimensions) then compare countries across these traits.

    • How well do you think these results characterise Japan in comparison to another country you feel is seen as a modern society?

    • Do you think the various dimensions in the Hofstede Insights tool capture your experience living in Japanese society?

Focusing on violence towards others:

    • Would you expect there to be more or less violence in a society that values individuality highly when compared to Japan?

    • Do you feel these reports accurately express your impressions of other countries and Japan?