First Day at School: Listening Comprehension

Post date: May 14, 2020 9:5:49 AM

My First Day at School: Listening Comprehension

    • Do you remember your first day at school?

    • Was it fun, an easy transition from your home life into the world of school?

    • Did you know any of the other children there?

    • How long did it take you to settle into going to school?

Here is a short description of my life up until I had my first day at school.

After listening to it answer the following questions:

1. Where was I born?

2. Who were in my family?

3. How old was I when I left England?

4. Was my brother younger or older than me when we left?

5. How did we travel to Australia?

6. How long did the journey take us?

7. Did I go to Play School or Kindergarten in the years before I went to school?

8. What did I experience on my first day at school?

9. How did I feel about school as time went by?

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