Earth's chakras: what's in them for us?

Post date: Jan 04, 2019 9:28:0 AM

Many years ago I learnt to meditate, something I still practice but not as regularly as I should.

Fortunately my Teacher understood that I'm by nature restless, physically and mentally, and he showed me techniques I can use at any time of the day. I don't need a candle in a quiet room with incense and soft music or to even close my eyes...

When travelling I'm always fascinated by holy sites. Some are grand temples covered in gold while others are simple places with little to indicate they're special in any way.

Whenever I visit one of these places I always meditate. I've had some amazing experiences while doing so, dropping quickly into deep meditation.

In an old Thai Temple no larger than a bathroom I stood and felt myself rocketed into deep space, grimly hanging onto my meditation technique to stop my mind chiming in and bring me back to earth.

In a Baptist Church in North Queensland I saw the people begin to glow with warm golden light....

So do some places on earth have more energy available for us to tap into? Why bother? What benefits are there?

I've never meditated for a “religious” purpose. Rather I do so for the peace I can experience inside myself, an alternative to help bring the stress and nonsense of every day life into perspective.

So every chance I get I'll seek that experience and if there's a science to put me in touch with places where I can experience otherness more easily then I'm interested.

Chakras are usually associated with the human body, specific points in our bodies where energy can be harnessed or blocked for better or for worse....Eastern religions have thought they're important for millennia.

Some people believe the Earth also has Chakras....places where the earth's energy is capable of spreading knowledge and wisdom....where I can meditate and my “I” disappear for a while...

The secret to finding these places according to pseudo-science lies in the various lines of energy that criss-cross the globe.

Now thanks to the internet we can check out some of these very simply on Google Earth....

Worth chasing after?

I'm not sure....being basically a lazy person I'll probably just continue to keep an eye out for places people have already identified as special and marked it with a rock or a cathedral....