Dreams: facts, fears or fantasies?......or future hopes and goals

Post date: Oct 12, 2018 1:57:53 PM

Dreams come to us at night in our sleep, sometimes we remember them sometimes we can't, sometimes when we wake we think they're a premonition about the future or a message from the past....

We also construct dreams while we're awake, they help us imagine a future we think will make us happy....



    • Do you think dreams come true? Is that always a good thing?

Dreams while sleeping:

    • What do you dream about?

    • In your dreams do you:

      • Wear glasses?

      • Look the same as you do when awake?

      • See colours or black and white?

      • Go to places you've never been in real life?

    • Do you have bad dreams, nightmares?

      • What are they about?

      • What makes them bad?

      • How do they end?

Dreams of the future

    • What are your dreams?

    • Who do you talk to about your dreams?

    • How do you feel when a dream comes true?

    • How do you feel when you realise your dream will not come true?

After thought:

    • In the song “Dreams” by the Cranberries the singer Delores O'Riordan describes the sensation of meeting and falling in love, its a song that helped me a lot...

    • Her dreams of becoming a famous musician and falling in love came true. Yet sadly she passed away due to overuse of alcohol, the legal drug many use to escape from reality and dreams.

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