Updating MinGW

Post date: Apr 20, 2013 4:57:5 PM

Start your MSYS prompt.

Run mingw-get --version.

This will show the current version of the MinGW package update utility. The current version on 2013-04-20 is 0.5-beta-20120426-1

Run mingw-get update.

This can take several minutes, with no feedback until the end. This downloads the latest XML catalogs.

Run mingw-get install mingw-get.

This downloads and install the latest version of mingw-get.

Run mingw-get list > mingw_packages.txt.

This describes every package available to "mingw-get install".

Run mingw-get upgrade.

This upgrades all installed packages.

Downloads come from http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/. If your system can connect here, mingw-get should work.

See Configuring and Using mingw-get for a different take.