Install ConTEXT editor

Post date: Oct 10, 2010 4:13:13 PM

Before I moved to 64-bit Windows, I used the freeware ConTEXT editor. Notepad++ surpassed it in features several years ago, it is recommended to install that instead.

Install ConTEXT

The main page for ConTEXT downloads is

Version 0.986 link:

  • Download the installer.

  • Run the installer. I modified these options:

    • Uncheck "Create a desktop icon"

    • Uncheck "Create a Quick Launch icon"

When you click "Finish", ConTEXT will open. Next, configure it.

Configure ConTEXT

Every time I install ConTEXT on a new system, I make these configuration changes:

    • Close the File Panel with the "X" button. You can bring this back with the "View" menu.

    • Close the Search Results with the "X" button.

  • Open the "Options" menu > "Environment Options"

  • Click "Editor" tab

    • Uncheck "Allow cursor after end of line"

    • Check "Line Numbers"

    • Uncheck "Trim trailing spaces"

    • Change "File Format" to "Unix".

    • I usually leave "Tabs mode" as "Tabs to spaces", but you can change it if you need tab characters.

    • Click "OK"

What now?

If English isn't your native language, you can change ConTEXT in "Options" menu > "Environment Options" > "General" tab.

There are highlighters for ConTEXT that can make your source code more readable in ConTEXT: