Clone Git Repositority with IntelliJ

Post date: Jan 14, 2017 8:22:24 PM

You could do it on the command line, but if the project needs IntelliJ to build, might as well use it.


Setup Minecraft client mod development for Windows

Configure IntelliJ IDEA

Start IntelliJ IDEA.

If a project is loading, cancel it.

Select "Configure", "Settings".

Select "Check out from Version Control".

Navigate to "Version Control", "Git".

Click "..." next to "Path to Git executable".

Browse to the location of "git.exe", i.e. "C:\dev\Git\bin\" and select "git.exe".

Click "OK", "OK".

Clone Repository

Select "Check out fro Version Control", "Git"

Enter the "Git Repository URL".

Click "Clone".

If prompted to open an IDEA project file:

Click "Yes".

Set the "Gradle home" to the project directory, i.e. "~\IdeaProjects\Project"