
chrome2favorites: Convert Chrome bookmarks file to IE Favorites. This project is derived from the original By: Alan_Zhang and 365days.enjoy


Install MSYS + MinGW.

Install 7zip.

Install Git.

Build jsoncpp.

Install static library libjson_mingw_libmt.a to your /usr/local/lib/ directory

Install json include directory to /usr/local/include/

Clone chrome2favorites from Git

    • Start the MinGW Shell

  • git clone --depth 1 git://

      • If behind a firewall: git clone

Build chrome2favorites

  • cd chrome2favorites

  • make

If everything went well, you will have a new Chrome2Favorites.exe

Run chrome2favorites

You need to have C:\dev\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\ in your PATH, so that libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll are linked.

  • Chrome2Favorites

This will export your Chrome "Bookmarks Bar" and "Other Bookmarks" to your IE Favorites folder.