
Library to parse a JSON format file.


Install MSYS + MinGW.

Install Git.

Install 7zip.

Install Python (I've only tested with 2.7).

Download source

Obtain jsoncpp from sourceforge: 0.5.0 Download

If this is your first time opening .gz, use $PROGRAMFILES/7-Zip/7zFM.exe

Extract jsoncpp-src-0.5.0 directory to $HOME.

Install Python

As listed in the pre-requisites. You may examine the latest release from here:


Install scons to MSYS

jsoncpp uses the Python-based build system "scons" instead of "make".

Update your .profile to include Python27 and Python27/Scripts in your PATH.

Install scons-2.0.1.tar.gz:

  • cd /c/dev/scons-2.0.1

  • python setup.py install

Build jsoncpp

Once you have scons and the jsoncpp source, you can build jsoncpp.

    • Start the MinGW Shell

  • cd jsoncpp-src-0.5.0/

  • scons.py platform=mingw

That was easy.


Create a lib directory and copy the json static library:

  • mkdir $HOME/lib

  • cp libs/mingw/libjson_mingw_libmt.a $HOME/lib/

Create an include directory and copy the json headers:

  • mkdir $HOME/include

  • cp -pr $HOME/jsoncpp-src-0.5.0/include/json $HOME/include/json

When you build a program with jsoncpp, you will need linker options:

-L $HOME/lib -l json_mingw_libmt

and compiler options:

-I $HOME/include