Install Zune software for Windows Server 2003 (32 bit)

Post date: Sep 12, 2011 1:39:39 AM

Yes, sometimes it takes a lot of technical workarounds to do deeply shameful things.

To help the next person avoid digging through the Wayback Machine, here are the steps I followed to install Zune software on Windows Server 2003.

If you still haven't done it, install SP2 for Server 2003:

Go to the Windows Update website:

Install all important updates.

The Zune software depends on these components, and will be correct after the latest updates:

    • Windows Installer

    • Windows Update

    • .NET Framework 2.0

    • XMLLite

    • Watson Error Reporting

Zune also depends on Windows Media Player 11, which won't run in Server 2003 by default.

Download wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe from

Open a command prompt, change to the download directory, and run this command:

wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe /T:C:\Temp\WMP11 /C

Open the "C:\Temp\WMP11\" folder.

For these binaries, right-click, select "Properties", click "Compatibility", and set "Compatibility mode" to "Windows XP":

  • wmfdist11.exe

  • umdf.exe

  • wmdbexport.exe

  • wmp11.exe

Install wmfdist11.exe, umdf.exe, and wmdbexport.exe. Windows may already have the latest version.

Restart the computer.

Open C:\Temp\WMP11, and run wmp11.exe.

Right-click skins.inf and click "Install".

Download the Zune software from Microsoft. I used:

Open a command prompt, change to the download directory, and run this command:

ZunePackage.exe -x

Extract files to "C:\temp\ZunePackage".

Look for "zune-x86.msi" in C:\temp\ZunePackage\x86\packages

Run zune-x86.msi. It will install automatically. When it finishes, there will be a Zune shortcut on the desktop. Use the shortcut, and configure your Zune software.

The things I do for love!