Install irssi and screen

Post date: Jan 06, 2011 6:46:32 PM

irssi is an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client that runs in a terminal. screen acts as a persistent terminal for remote systems you are not always connected to. You can use screen to keep a persistent irssi session open. .


Linux system with terminal, such as an EC2 instance.

Login as user with sudo permission.

Install irssi

The most popular command line IRC client is IRSSI. It uses the perl shared library, which might need some additional setup in Linux.

sudo yum install irssi

sudo cp -pr /usr/lib64/perl5/CORE/* /usr/local/lib/

sudo ldconfig

Configure irssi

These configuration examples will use and #irssi as examples.

Start irssi:


Configure your user information (default is your Linux account name):

/set user_name username

/set nick username

/set alternate_nick username2

Set network and channel auto-connection information:

/network add freenode

/server add -auto -network freenode 6667

/channel add -auto #irssi freenode

/join #irssi

Change the current irssi "window" by using Alt + (Arrow key) or this command:

/window 2 (or other number)

Save the current window

/layout save


Quit irssi:


The next time you start irssi, it should automatically connect to the channels added with -auto.

Using irssi

/network add network

/server add network server port

/connect network

/join #channel

/quit "Quit message"

Making a connection to using SSL, and register your nickname:

/network add esper

/server add -ssl -ssl_verify -network esper 6697

/connect esper

Registering nickname on IRC network

The registration process depends on the network. You should receive a message from NickServ or AuthServ describing the procedure.

On freenode: /msg NickServ register <password> <email_address>

You should receive an email in a few minutes.

The steps to use your registered nickname also depend on the network.

On freenode: /msg NickServ identify <password>

On EsperNet: /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER <username> <verification string>

Install screen

Use your package manager to install screen:

sudo yum install screen

Run screen

When you run screen, your terminal will exist inside "screen":


List the separate screen. You will start with only 1:

screen -list

You can also start screen inside of screen, but it might get confusing.

Detach from a screen, but leave it running:

Press Ctrl-A, then D.

A detached screen is useful for keeping an irssi connection open while you are not logged in to the server.

After logging in, you can reattach with this command:

screen -raAd

To close a screen terminal while attached, use "exit" as usual.

What now?

You can link some software to an IRC channel, such as a github repository or MineCraft server.

See this article for more information on screen and irssi: A Guide to Efficiently Using Irssi and Screen

Read about the freenode IRC network: