
Sequence: 6 units 2 weeks per unit Culmin: 2 weeks T

his unit examines the history of Western drama and its evolution from stage to screen. Students will explore films as an important tool for communication and entertainment and the impact the film industry has had on the arts, politics, technology, and society (and vice versa). Students will view and analyse select films from the silent era to sound ("talkies") in order to examine the progression of acting techniques from over exaggerated gestures and movements in silent movies to subtler expressions, intonations, and delivery in "talkies." Students will begin to look at the filmmaking techniques that provided the opportunity for this new style of acting to develop i.e. close ups. Finally, students will critically examine the changing nature of film and how the telling of story through film has evolved i.e. use of symbolism.

oster at the end print at th eboar office

Time Management

Students stay in their own groups all semester.

Flash Mob Video


    • Marion Drydale OSSTF Student Acheivement Awards