Rho Ophiuchi and surrounds

The Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex includes several interstellar clouds around the star  Rho Ophiuchi, including dark clouds and colorful bright nebulae, towards the constellations of Scorpius and Ophiuchus.  Click here for a higher resolution image.

Obtained on April 16th 2023 from Los Yebenes (Toledo, Spain)

Equipment: Samyang 135 mm lens set at f4, QHY 183M CMOS camera, QHY filter wheel with Baader red, green and blue filters, QHY 5LII guiding camera on a 135 mm lens, Losmandy G11 mount, Primaluce Eagle LE computer control unit.

Image data:  16 x 5 minutes subexposures through red filter, 9 x 5 minutes green and 8x 5 minutes blue.

Software: Image acquisition with Sequence Generator Pro. Image processing on Pixinsight, last touches on Photoshop.