Four frame mosaic including many nebulae and star clusters in Auriga: M36, M38, NGC 1907, NGC 1912, NGC 1931, NGC 1985, IC 405, IC 410, IC 417. Image shown at 50% of the original size

Equipment: Takahashi FSQ106 scope. ASA DDM85 mount. SBIG STL11000 camera. Narrowband filters (H alpha, and OIII)

Location: Pozuelo (Madrid)

Date: October 2010 to January 2011

Exposure: 36 hours in 30 minutes unguided subexposures

Each subexposure of 30 minutes was obtained without guiding using the ASA DDM85 mount.

For displaying the image, a false color RGB image was composed as follows:

Red channel with the H alpha data

Green cahhel with the OIII data

Blue channel with the OIII data plus 15% of the H alpha data