NGC 1499, the California nebula, is an emission nebula located in Perseus.  This image was obtained from our backyard observatory in Pozuelo de Alarcón  through narrowband  filters in the H alpha, Oxigen III (OIII) and Sulfur II (SII) bands, in winter 2023.  The Hubble palette was employed for representation, where the SII, H alpha and OIII bands were assigned to the red, green and blue colors, respectively.  Click here for a higher resolution image.

Equipment: Takahashi FSQ106N scope,  SBIG STL11000 camera with Baader SII, H alpha and OIII filters. ASA DDM85 mount, unguided.

Exposures:  20 x 30 minutes SII, 13 x 30 minutes H alpha, and 25 x 30 minutes OIII. Total of 29 hours.

Software: ASA Autoslew and Sequence for image acquisition . PixInsight for image processing, last touches on Photoshop.