IC1318 is an emission nebula surrounding Sadr, a bright star in Cygnus, shown in the image center. Ionized hydrogen emits light strongly in the deep red part of the spectrum (656 nm) and more faintly in blue (486 nm). There is also some triple ionized oxygen emission at 500 nm ( between blue and green)

The image was obtained through narrowband filters with multiple 30 minutes sub-exposures: H alpha (8 subs), OIII (9 subs) and H beta (8 subs). It is a RGB image where H alpha data are shown as red, OIII as green and H beta as blue.

Backyard observatory in Pozuelo de Alarcon. ASA DDM85 mount, TAkahashi FSQ 106 scope and SBIG STL11000 camera with Baader narrowband filters.

Image shown as 2/3 of the original size. Click here to see a 100% size image