Homer Eli Remy (1888-1958)

Homer Eli Remy was the 11th child of Eli Remy (1843-1914).

11 HOMER E., b.Jan. 17, 1888, m. Nellie McKee and lives on the old

home place at Deering, Lawrence Co., 0. Children - 9 GARLAND, m. Louise Curtis, lives Pocatillo, Idaho. Children - 1 JANICE LOUISE SANFORD m. Christine Dove and lives Deering, 0.

Children - a girl. NORMA, m. Charles Frische, lives 12th and Vine Sts., Ironton, 0. Children NORMA m. Charles Frisbee live New Boston, 0. Children - 1. GAY, a girll GRACE, m. Paul Bentley ANCIL, ARTHUR, RONALD, PAUL and JOANN.

(Remy Family in America)


The late Paul Remy made a request for a copy of the death record for Eli Remy and received notice that the Virginia Department of Heath bureau of vital

records and health statistics could not locate a record during the period June 14, 1912, through Dec, 1924.

The following was written by one of his grand-children: Grandpa [Homer Eli Remy] met Grandma [MaLinda Gaynell McKee] at church the first time. They went to a Buffaloe Bill Show on their 2nd date. They drove in a covered wagon pulled with a team of horses. They ate dinner in town and had pictures taken. They dated about every two weeks. He lived at Ice Creek and shelived at Soliday so it was quite a ways. There were no cars until after Garland was born. They had to go 2 1/2 miles to church and they walked it twice a day. Grandma was sectetary of the Sunday School and a member of the chor when she was married.

Grandpa was a member of Soliday Choir. They dated for 1 1/2 years and then got married. They were on the way home from a date. He was 24 and she was 19. He said "Let's get married". and she said "You don't mean it". He said "yes I do". She talked with her mother and was Married August 20th, one year later. They were married by Uncle Henry McKee, a Baptist Preacher, at the court house.

She farmed, cooked, washed bny board and ironed for 8. She did all this when she was 16. Her mother sewed most always. She sewed for her family and others. Dad Remy was a farmer and deacon of Ice Creek Church. Grandpa Remy was a good man. They had 6 boys and 3 girls. All were born on the farm at home. Mom never went to the hospital but all were delivered by a doctor. There was no water to wash with and we had to go to the hill to the creek to wash.

They moved unto a new house with indoor plumbing. They were so happy. They had electricity in the old house 3 years before they mocved. Dad Remy passed away on their 45th wedding anniversary.

Mom Remy has beautiful flowers and a lovely yard. She still cans quince jelly. She picks blackberries and makes pies and jelly for Christmas. She always bakes 3 or 4 layered cakes, coconut, banana, white cakes. when she knows her family is coming.

Dad Remy had eplepsy. He got this after he had been married. The children noticed it first. When she first noticed it they were going to bed and he asked her to blow the light out and then the second time he told her to blow it out again. Whe thought he may have been losing his mind. He got worse. He sometimes would pass out and also turned his plate over. He would motion for the girls to come and they would be scared. He fell often and hurt himself. One time he was walking around in circles and one of the boys came and told mom Remy. She went down and found that he had cut himself with an axe. She took care of it and he had spells all the time. The family lived in constant fear. Mom Remy was always worried that he may not come out of it.

He had one as they were at amrket. Two men helped them and also brought them a ham sandwich. Dad Remy couldn't remember eating it ever.

Sometimes he would be out for hours.

Mom said as she looks back she wonders how she has any sense at all now.

Paul says that is probably the biggest factor why he left home.

One time he left to go way over the hill to plow. He had been gone for so long mom Remy went ot look for him. her heart was in her throat. She was the

forses and he wasn't there. She was scared to death. He had lost a part of the plow and was looking for it. She was always looking for him and he very seldom know it. He had attacks when he least expected it. She hated for him to be out of her sight. He called the family in and told them he was going to die, this was when the school picnic was an all day affair, He said you can't go with me but you can come to me. He was haveing these spells with out warning until he passed away. He did not take pills to help control it. His lip would go blue as indigo. He never complained about it and would wake up and say "I've slept a good while." Mom said it nearly scared her to death.