Le Krak des Chevaliers (Fortress of Knights)

Looks like we have the King of Hugary, along with his castle, as an ancestor according to this page...

This was found at: https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150180719005839

The Fortress of the Knights near Homs, Syria has been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. This "Crusader castle", built during the Crusades on the site of a previous Arab fortress, is one of the most important Medieval fortresses in the world. Of all the Crusader castles, the Fortress of the Knights is the largest, most impressive, and the best preserved. During the Crusades of the 12th-13th centuries, a number of feudal kingdoms and principalities, which are referred to as the Crusader states, were set up in the Middle East and were ruled by Western European Crusaders, including a number of our ancestors. Our ancestral connection to the Fortress of the Knights is through our ancestor Andrew II, King of Hungary, who participated in the Fifth Crusade in the 13th century. While on crusade in the Middle East, Andrew II stayed at the Fortress of the Knights. He placed a lot of importance on the fortress calling it "the Key to the Christian Lands" and strengthened and made significant improvements to the outer walls. He also personally financed the guarding troops of the fortress. For most of the time the castle was in Christian hands, it was the headquarters of the Knights Hospitaller, an order of knights charged with the care and defense of Christian lands in the Middle East. Today, the castle is world-famous and is one of the most visited sites in Syria.

Excellent footage (French): http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1v4gz_le-krak-des-chevaliers_travel

Excellent slide show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_lXGcOvQ_g&playnext=1&list=PL13E6BF038294D370

Here's our descent from Andrew II (Andras II) King of Hungary down to Grandpa Talbot:

1) Andras II, King of Hungary, 1176-1235 *

2) Bela IV, King of Hungary, 1206-1270

3) Istvan V, King of Hungary, abt.1240-1272

4) Maria, Princess of Hungary, abt.1258-1323

5) Marguerite, Princess of Sicily & Naples, 1273-1299

6) Jean de Valois, Countess of Hainault, 1294-1342

7) Philippa of Hainault, Queen of England, 1314-1369

8) Edmund, Prince of England, 1341-1402

9) Constance, Princess of England, 1374-1416

10) Isabel Despencer, Countess of Warwick, 1400-1439

11) Elizabeth Beauchamp, Lady Abergavenney, 1415-1448

12) George Neville, Lord Abergavenney, 1440-1492

13) George Neville, Lord Abergavenney, 1469-1535

14) Mary Neville, Lady Dacre, 1520-1565

15) Margaret Fiennes, Baroness Dacre, 1540-1611

16) Thomas Leonard 1577-1638

17) John Leonard 1615-1676

18) Rachel Leonard 1665-aft.1697

19) John Hancock 1688-1775

20) Thomas Hancock 1727-1804

21) Thomas Hancock III 1763-1844

22) Alvah Hancock 1796-1847

23) Cyrus Mortimer Hancock 1841-1905

24) Ann Eliza Hancock 1864-1950

25) Ethel Hatch 1844-1949

26) Archie William Talbot 1919-1985