Mary Ann Cressey (1798-18xx)

From: "Judd and Kathryn Allsop family : pedigrees, individual histories, and patriarchal blessings"

(www.members, tripod. com/~dlarsen/larsen/RUBE/idxa. htm)

Mary Ann Cressey was born May 16, 1798 in Nottingham, England, to John Cressey and Elizabeth, whose surname is unknown.

When she was eighteen years old, she married Ira Absolom Allsop, who was also born in Nottingham, England. They had twelve children- six girls and six boys. Four of their children died as young children, three girls and one son.

It is believed that she and her husband, Ira Absolom, also raised their grandson John Moore Allsop- son of John Allsop (their son) and his first wife, Caroline Moore. When Caroline died shortly after her son was born, John Allsop left John Moore with a set of grandparents (supposedly his own parents) to raise, and then he went to Manchester, England.

It is very likely that our ancestor, John Allsop, was their only child to hear and accept the gospel during his lifetime. He was baptized in 1847. Family tradition has it that he was disowned by his parents (Ira Absolom and Mary Ann Cressey) after he converted to the Church.

On Febmary March 1, 1887, Mary Ann Cressey was baptized mostly likely by proxy. (Since we don't know her death date, it is possible, but unlikely, that she was actually baptized during her lifetime.) Two days later, March 3, 1887, she was endowed. Currently all the temple work has been done for her. She has been sealed to her spouse, parents, and children.