Patriarchal Blessing

A BLESSING given by Hyrum Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of


Son of Moses and Molly Curtis

Born July 7, 1784 at New Salem, Frank land Co, Massachusetts

Brother Nahum, I lay my hands upon your head in the name of Jesus to seal the

blessings of the Covenant upon your head according to the desires and integrity of your

heart. For you are an Ephraim and shall be numbered with the first born from whom and

unto whom cometh the Shepherd, the stone of Israel, upon whose heads are the crowns of

the Priesthood and by whom shall the Tribes and Nations of Israel be crowned.

Therefore, I seal upon your head the blessings of the Everlasting Covenant, even the

blessings of the Priesthood, the same shall be a blessing upon the heads of your posterity

and to be continued in their lineage unto the latest generation.

And your name shall be had in honorable remembrance and perpetuated by them.

And for your sacrifices, spiritual blessings shall be multiplied upon your head, and for

the honest integrity of your heart in which there is no guile, you shall enter into the rest

and your children after you, that remains for the people of Goad and be numbered with

the sanctified and with those that shall come up upon Mount Zion with Hundred and

Forty and Four Thousand. And with the innumerable multitude that had washed their

robes and made them white in the Blood of the lamb. This is a blessing of promise upon

you and your children after you.

Therefore I seal you up unto Eternal Life, that your mind may be at rest and that

your heart may rejoice, and that joy may spring up in your heart henceforth, and that you

may go down to your grave in peace, and your works to continue. And you shall be blest

spiritually and temporarily according to your faith as it hath hither to been multiplied

upon your head. Not with standing your sufferings and your sacrifices and your name

shall be remembered, and your name and acts shall be written in the Chronicles of your

Brethren and your days and years shall be multiplied upon your head and be many.

These blessings, I seal upon your head.

Even so,


The 144,000 High Priests found in “The Doctrine and Covenants” Sec. 77 Verse II

Revelations Chapter 7 verse 4