
For instructions on how to keep Redmine user files synced with Dropbox, see this post.

Text Formatting

To create a link to commit in the source code repository, use the first 12 digits of the hash!

To add source code syntax coloring, use the tags below. More information (link).

<pre><code class="ruby">
def myRubyCode

LDAP Integration

It is quite easy to integrate Redmine with Active Directory (or any LDAP service). What I found confusing was that the LDAP root is case-sensitive! Changing "dc=domain, dc=com" to "DC=domain, DC=com" made a whole lot of a difference between LDAP integration not working and working!

Documentation is here.


    • Redmine Backlogs plugin, more info here.
    • ToDo Lists (link)
    • Scrum Dashboard (Redmine forum)