
Hosting on own device requires decent power supply, including a UPS, and a backup system.

NextCloud backup (link) instructions. Restoring backup (link).



Standard UPS is fantastic but also might be a bit of an overkill for a low-power device like RPi. It seems that a standard USB power bank would do the job just as well.

    • Raspberry Pi UPS (link)

USB Stick

USB flash stick can simply be pulled out and read on another machine. However, since NextCloud requires user permissions, the USB stick is formatted with ext4. Additional software is required, see ext2read.

    • Read ext4 devices on Windows (link).


On RPi, we can back up the NextCloud database file directly, assuming it is in sqlite3 format.


    • Ext2read (link) - provides ext2, -3, and -4 partition reading on Windows
    • bup (link) - incremental backup, Linux


Contacts can be backed up in several ways.

    • NextCloud offers a web UI access to the data. Contacts app allows exporting and importing contacts.
    • Android: Several applications can be used to export and import contacts. Standard Contacts app will also do.
    • Windows: Thunderbird with CardBook add-on. Supports vCard 3.0 and 4.0.
    • Windows: Free vCard Viewer (link)


Calendar can be backed up in .ics format.

    • NextCloud UI offers exporting/importing calendars as .ics files
    • Mozilla Thunderbird allows exporting calendars
    • On Android there are various apps.
      • iCal Import/Export 3.1