Fedora 18


Fedora 18 installation is currently available from Prerelease page (link).

To create a minimal boot media follow the instructions (link). Here is a way to install using Anaconda (link). After downloading boot.iso from the nearest mirror, create a boot media by following instructions (link). If you already have Linux installed, then follow the instructions here (link). Location of boot.iso file is, for example, here.

On Linux, install liveusb-creator with "yum install liveusb-creator".

Nightly builds of the Live media are here. The option I prefer is to select option "Install to local drive" from LiveCD. This reduces the initial download size and gets the system up and running quicker.

After Installation

Customize Gnome. See how to change themes - link. The copy is in public Dropbox folder (add link). Install gnome-tweak-tool. (Add Gnome extensions: autohide. - once available)

Set date and time (time zone). See instructions here or simply run "system-config-date". Use NTP to synchronize time over network.

For list of software to install after initial install, check Fedora 17 installation checklist (link).

Add additional repository: RPMFusion. EPEL is not needed on Fedora.

Install software: Sublime Text 2, Google Chrome, dropbox, desktop terminal (Guake or Yakuake), rainlendar, Skype (for additional libraries see post. This is not needed with Fedora 18).

System Monitors: nethogs, iftop, iotop

Install NVidia graphic drivers: akmod-nvidia, follow instructions here.

Install multimedia codecs: aac,

yum install gstreamer-{ffmpeg,plugins-{good,ugly,bad{,-free,-nonfree}}}

Install and customize:

  • (Rainlendar, use default calendar on top panel),
  • WorkRave, set custom time periods before breaks; set to run on startup
  • VMware (see this!)
    • KeePass, create custom application launcher. Set up global hotkey (keyboard shortcuts). This requires xdotool package. Also, run "setxkbmap dvorak" for auto-type to work properly with Dvorak layout.
  • conky, set to run on startup; (.conkyrc link)
  • wine & q4wine (mount iso link)
  • Gnome Shell Extensions (see here)

To set programs to run on startup use gnome-session-properties.

Set up backup with Deja Dup.