Online Educational Repositories

Learn Zillion - asynchronous video lessons organized by the Common Core Standards. Learn Zillion was started by E.L. Haynes public charter school who had a passion for sharing best practices across classrooms and to connect students with just the right lesson, at just the right time.

Open High School - Open High School of Utah is a public charter school

Content Libraries

Defined STEM - get the username and pw for you district or contact the IU (Berks - Marcelle McGee)

EdComs teachers - a wealth of free teaching resources and ideas for your lessons, across a full range of subject areas.

Verizon's Thinkfinity - Partnering with the most trusted names in education to bring you teaching and learning materials, as well as a community excited about education, just like you are.

SAS Curriculum Pathways - This resource is your online partner for teaching the core curriculum:

    • English, history, science, mathematics, Spanish

    • Learner-centered tools, lessons, and resources with measurable outcomes

    • Interactive components that foster higher-order thinking skills

    • Twenty-first century skills integrated into content

Teacher's Domain - Teachers' Domain is an extensive library of free digital media resources produced by public television, designed for classroom use and professional development.

WatchKnowLearn - Free educational videos delivered over the Internet. Viewed any time, from anywhere.

Digital Media Resources

YouTube - learn how to utilize YouTube in your classroom more effectively.

SchoolTube - nation's largest K-12 moderated video sharing website that provides students and educators with a safe and FREE video sharing website that is exclusively endorsed by leading education associations.

TeacherTube - provides an online community for sharing instructional videos.

Discovery Education - provides engaging digital resources to schools and homes with the goal of making educators more effective, increasing student achievement, and connecting classrooms and families to a world of learning.

Safari Montage - is the award-winning, broadcast-quality, Video-On-Demand solution for schools and districts that comes preloaded with educational video titles from the industry's leading video publishers, including Schlessinger Media, PBS, The History Channel, National Geographic, Scholastic, Disney Education, BBC, Sesame Street and more. In addition to preloaded content, SAFARI Montage provides the ability for school districts to upload their own video content at the district level and easily disseminate it to all classrooms throughout the district.

UStream - You're on, broadcast yourself. Free live video streaming, online broadcasts, create webcasts, video chat, TV shows. - next generation television network.

Internet Archive - The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library. Its purposes include offering permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital format.


MERLOT - Mutimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching Find peer reviewed online teaching and learning materials.

eNLVM - Interactive online lessons for K-12 mathematics and tools for adapting content and for monitoring student work.

Jason Science - -

Crowd Sourced Content

Eduwikis -

CFF Wikis

Slideshare -

Authorstream -

DocStoc -

Scribd -

stumpleupon -

Odeo -

Diigo -

Delicious -