Online Learning

iNACOL - International Association for K-12 Online Learning. iNACOL supports activities and policies that remove barriers and support effective online education.

Blended Learning Toolkit - This Blended Learning Toolkit is a free, open resource for educational institutions interested in developing or expanding their blended learning initiatives.

Designing online information - for instructional purposes is a process that allows instructors and designers to design, build, edit, assess, and present information that is used by learners to complete a set of tasks that build knowledge using the information provided.

What does a high quality online course look like?

Active Learning in an Online Environment

4 Tips for Teaching a Course Online

Instructional Design for Online Learning

Intentional Learning

Protecting Your Privacy in Online Classrooms

Today's Classrooms Are Going Hybrid: Six Ways You Can Benefit

Instructional Strategies Online

Interesting ways to use a learning platform in the classroom

The 100 Best (And Free) Online Learning Tools

Content Management Systems (CMS) / Learning Management Systems (LMS)

MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching

Teaching and Learning at a Distance - Distance education is the process of connecting teachers and students with online resources, virtual communications, and remote activities as the primary means of instruction. Virtual learning environments allow students the flexibility to learn when they have the time, where they need to be, and how they learn best.

Monterey Institute - National Repository of Online Courses (NROC)

My Free Forum - host your discussion online for free and easily.

Voxopop - a voice based eLearning tool. A fun, engaging and easy-to-use way to help students develop their speaking skills. Create a talkgroup for your language class today!