Physical & Health education and Sports are considered as essential lessons for holistic learning in the school.

Basket Ball. Tennis. Skating. Swimming. Cricket. Volley ball. Football.  Badminton. 

Yoga.  Physical and Health Education. 

All students are given games classes during the school hours. 

Grade 1 to 6, skating, swimming, tennis and basket ball are taught within the time table on a rotation basis. And Yoga and physical education classes will also be taught. 

Grade 7 to 12, one chosen sport per term will be taught. And Yoga and physical education classes will also be taught. 

Sports accessories: 

Tennis rackets, Skating shoe and safety guards, Badminton rackets, Balls for Basket ball, football & Volley ball are provided by the school. 

Children need not (should not) bring anything from home. 

Only swimming suits are to be brought by the children. 

Sports Academy

July to January

5 days a week. 

An after school sports training programme is conducted for selected students on a separate payment basis. 

When students show aptitude in any specific sport, parents are informed. Once parents give their consent, these students go through rigorous training programme after school hours. 

Transport is arranged to drop them at the main bus stages. 

This is only for students from Grade 3 and above. 

These students are sent to various regional and national competitions. 

Sports Fest

In November/ December, House wise competitions in different sports is conducted. Students compete with each other to secure points on the House Leaderboard, displaying incredible athletic prowess and sportsmanship.