Amidst the growing diversity in learning needs, Silver Oaks assumes the responsibility to leave no child behind. Inclusive education is considered an ethical responsibility. To give professional support to this ethical dimension, the 'Supportive Learning Centre' of the school has trained and experienced Special Educators who work full-time with learners who have varying needs.

Children with learning gaps and learning difficulties are identified through informal assessments and observations by teachers and parents. These needs are addressed by a team of trained and experienced special educators.

 In some cases of differentiated learning needs, the school takes external support from experts. Parents are always included in such interventions. 


This Centre plays a role in:


Reading and Writing entry-level tests are conducted every year. The data from this test helps in screening children's learning gaps in reading and writing. Further investigations are done if a child doesn't meet the grade level reading and writing skills. Appropriate interventions are planned, realistic goals are set and the progress is monitored. Parents are kept in the loop whenever their support is essential.