Silver Oaks believes that home school relations are very important to give a positive tone to the child's learning journey. 

Teacher of the child is the first point of contact. 

Home School relations Manager is the second point of contact.

Head or Coordinator is the next point of contact. 

Principal or Director can be the last point of contact. 

Please contact the appropriate person for your concerns. 

PS: Parents need not drop the names of Principal or Director during conversations with teachers or other staff. The entire staff operates as one team and the same message is given from all people. 

The abovementioned points of contact can be reached as follows:

[Email Addresses and Phone Numbers given at the end of the page]

Principal or Director

When a parent feels the need to contact Principal or Director, a mail can be sent. Based on the need, response or redressal will be given. 

Head or Coordinator

For any academic questions, parents can mail the Head or Coordinator. Response will be given based on the questions. 


Parents can communicate to teachers through Class Dojo or Mail. Whenever convenient, teacher will respond. 

We do not share the phone numbers of teachers as they are busy teaching, planning and learning.  

During PTMs and other events, parents can meet teachers. 

Teachers send the Class DOJO invite. Parents should make an effort to join and follow for any class updates. 

In Pre Primary, Grades 1 & 2, almanac is also used for communications. 

PS: Parents can message on Class Dojo. But a reply can be given only at the convenience of the teacher. 

Teachers are not logged in 24 hours. 

For any emergency, Home School Relations Manager can be contacted. 

Home School Relations Manager

Home School Relations Managers are appointed for a cluster of classes to enable easy communications and redressal of problems. 

Teachers will be busy with children and therefore, we do not share their numbers. 

Phone numbers and mail IDs are shared with parents for quick communication. 

If need be, HSRM will plan a meeting between Parents and the teachers or school. 

PS: We respect the family time of our team. Therefore, calls are to be made only between 8AM and 5.30PM. 

Unless it is an emergency, no team member should be disturbed beyond these timings. 

Front Office

Front Office Executives attend to calls.
Contact Numbers: 9440800696, 9440800694

Contact Details

PS: You can contact the Class Facilitator through ClassDojo or mail and Home School Relations Manager through Mail ID or phone. Head of the Wing can be contacted through Mail ID.

Preprimary Wing (PP I & PP II)

Head of the Pre Primary Wing:  Ms. Shradha Singh : 

Home School Relations Manager:  Ms. Vani : Phone: 9133379909 

Early Primary Wing (Grade 1 & 2)

Head of the Early Primary Wing: Ms Basanti CS : 

Home School Relations Manager: Ms Sireesha : Phone: 9010898899

Primary Wing (Grade 3 & 4)

Head of the Primary Wing: Ms Rajakumari :

Home School Relations Manager: Ms Poonam : Phone: 95050 86215 

Junior Wing (Grade 5 & 6)

Head of the Junior Wing: Kavitha. V. R. :

Home School Relations Manager: Ms Rama : Phone: 9133379911 

ISAP Wing (Grade 7 & 8)

Head of the ISAP Wing: Dr Kavita Karki :

Home School Relations Manager: Ms Madhulatha : Phone: 9133379910

Senior Wing (Grade 9 &10)

Head of the Senior Wing: Ms Ratna Srinivas :

Home School Relations Manager for Grades 9 to 12: 

Ms Kavitha : Phone: 9505092180 

Senior Secondary Wing (Grade 11 & 12)

Senior Secondary: Ms Nisha Mathew :

Home School Relations Manager for Grades 9 to 12: 

Ms Kavitha : Phone: 9505092180