Social Safety

Group learning methods help in building peer group interactions. 

Roles in groups help in giving equal opportunities to every child. 

Regrouping techniques help in large group interactions. 

Small group classrooms help the teacher in individual and group monitoring. 

Children are taught to respect diversity and differences in learning. 

Empathy, respect and inclusiveness is the ethos of each classroom.  

Children are taught to respect oneself and others. 

Bullying is prohibited and the same is carefully monitored.  

Emotional Safety

Soft spoken culture and positive interactions of the school helps in preventing fear or intimidation.

Every child is assured of support and help in all situations. 

Physical Safety

In School buses: Every bus has a senior student as a Captain and teachers as guides and ayahs as supporting hands. A Buddy system is in place to take care of the little children. 

In School Campus: Security staff, watchful team, safe corridors and safe places ensure physical safety.  

Beating, hurting or bullying are strictly prohibited and also punishable. 

Medical Needs

In case a child needs medical care during school hours, parents should inform the school and the same can be attended if it is well within the capacities of the school. 

In case a child is sick and needs to be taken home, parents will be called and they are responsible for taking the child home. 

In case a child gets hurt during the school hours, a trained nurse within the school will take care of the first aid and the same will be informed to parents immediately.

If hospital attention is required, child will be taken to hospital and parents will be called simultaneously. 

Until the parents arrive, school will be responsible for the child in the hospital.  Once parents arrive school will handover the responsibility. 


In Eating Habits

Eating is a biological need of humans. If a child does not recognise hunger, or does not know how much to eat to fill a hungry stomach, we are not educating the child with a primary responsibility. Therefore, Silver Oaks believes in independent eating habits.  Also, no healthy child stays hungry.  Healthy eating habits are taught at home. 

At School,

Acorns are encouraged to be independent in eating and cleaning up.  

In Early years, ayahs will help setting up the boxes but not in feeding. 

Teachers also eat in class and remind children to eat well and on time.  But they do not hover around children to make them eat. 

Healthy foods are encouraged. 

Quality is more important than quantity. 


In Learning Habits

If eating is a biological need, learning is a natural need. No child should be made to feel that learning is an obligation towards parents, teachers or school. Learning is a personal empowerment which every child should be made to see.  

At School,

Acorns are taught to be independent, principled and responsible  for their reading, writing and learning. 

Learning experiences are created through various strategies. And we wait to watch the outcome in the child. 

Both pace and space of the child are recognised and respected. 

No comparisons are made and every acorn is encouraged to better than before. 

About Homework,

A child should grow up with the idea that 'my work, I have to do'. 

It is not reminders or threats which should make a child do homework but self responsibility. 

School teaches 'Swadharma', which means self-responsibility.   

Parents should encourage children to do work on their own.  



Birthdays are meant to celebrate life. Plants which sustain life and books which enrich life are the ideal ways to celebrate this occasion. Donating food or clothes to those in need is more welcome. 

Silver Oaks celebrates birthdays of acorns by gifting them a book and wishing them in the assembly. 

Acorns can come to school in their new clothes but no sweets or goodies can be distributed in the school. 

Acorns are welcome to gift a plant or book to the school library only if the parents wish to.

PS: School suggests Akshayapatra Foundation for donations or any place where charity is welcome. 


Live life the lean way implies a life with minimum expenses and optimum positivity. School encourages a culture of importance to relationships, happiness, health and positive progress.  

Flashy or expensive possessions or big time celebrations and parties need not be the determiners for Oneupmanship in life.  

What lies between the two ears (brain) and what lies in the heart plus what difference one makes to the world is more important than having expensive possessions. 

Any kind of showmanship is completely discouraged in the school. 

In all practices of the school, this maxim of 'live life the lean way' is modelled. 

Parents are encouraged to understand and respect school's philosophy.