To race with oneself is the best competition. 

To become a better version of oneself is the best trophy.

The following In House Competitions, MUN, External Competitions and Sport Competitions are facilitated:


Competition to test speed and accuracy. 

Held once or twice in a month.

From Grade 1 upwards.

Final competition will be held in Dec/Jan


A regular practice to improve public speaking skills and confidence. 

Competition held once in two months amongst achievers from each section.

PP1 onwards.


A practice to improve writing and creative writing skills. 

Selected works will be curated and published in the school magazines.

From Grade 3 upwards.


A competition held once in two months on the words from the lessons in all subjects. 

From Grade 1 upwards.

Final competition will be held in December/January. 


A competition to test continuum of math concepts over the years. 

Once in a year. 

From Grade 5 upwards.

NIE Quiz

Once in 2 months

From Grade 4 onwards

Final competition will be held in Dec/Jan.

Silver Oaks MUN

(Parents and non-participating students also can attend)

November/ December/ January. 

Model United Nations is popular amongst students as it brings out the debating skills, confidence and helps them build contemporary knowledge. 

Senior students from Grade 10 to 12 organise this event annually. 

External Competitions

As and when invitations from external competitions reach the school, appropriateness of the competition is assessed and taken up. Students and parents will be intimated after selection. 

CBSE conducts a few competitions in academic areas for which students are invited to participate. Depending on the event, school takes the responsibility or requests the parents to take it up.

Sports Competitions

Regional, State and National level sports competitions