Raising teens means, art of listening, empathising and enabling. 

A few tips to parents

 Positive relationship with teens at home is critical to peace at home. 

Create time to listen, understand and empathise.

Discuss the hormonal changes and help them accept physical changes. 

Teach self-respect. 

Help them overcome inhibitions based on looks, size, complexion, clothes or social skills. 

Make them see larger perspective on life than teenage issues. 

Discuss about attractions and relationships and how to resist complexities at this age.   

Help them choose clothes which make them gain dignity and individuality and not social acceptance. 

Talk about peer pressures and how they can withstand. 

Talk to them in a trusting tone. 

Insist on eating at the dining table and have friendly conversations. 

Clarify expectations. 

Discuss money matters and share your challenges with them. 

Ideally, learn yoga or music or read along with them. Offer friendship and not just conditional parenting. 

Identify raw spots and discuss. 

Model emotional balance and avoid arguments. 

Teach them about confidentiality. 

Teach them to share work at home. 

Take school into confidence while dealing with teen issues at home.

Teens in School

Teens are expected to: 

Maintain healthy and positive relationships with schoolmates. 

School age is not appropriate to get into attractions or relationships. Therefore, any such advances by boys or girls will not be acceptable in the school. Strict action will be taken.