Message from Director Education

Dear Parents,

You and us are partners in this learning journey of your child. The future depends on what we do or don't do. Having been in the field of education since 1987, I have seen generations of parents across the length and breadth of the country. Just like changing traits in children, I have seen varying parenting styles. 

Parents' engagement with children and school determines the respect with which a child regards the school and learning.

Balance your parenting.

Balance lies between two extremes, indulgence and neglect. 

Don't epitomize or condemn a child for small things.

Let the child grow with self-esteem and self-worth. 

Avoid comparisons with siblings or friends. Each child/adult is unique. 

Focus on what needs to be done than on what is not done. 

Refer to school and teachers with respect. Your child will learn from you. 

Treat your child's friends with affection. 

Clarify expectations. 

Establish the values of your family.

Rules of the house should be clear and consistent. 

Clarify what is acceptable and not acceptable. 

Use trust based tone while talking to the child. 

Meet and share with teachers.

When faced with challenges from your child, share with teachers. They may have some ideas. 

I suggest more meetings with teachers when your child begins the teenage. 

Define roles.

Let teachers do their roles. Do not expect them to pamper your children or spoon feed them. 

Parents need not become teachers at home. Ideal parenting is to create a happy environment at home. 

Talking about marks, tests and competition or comparisons is not parenting. 

Book reading, healthy discussions on world events, walks in the park or Sunday chores together are some of the traits of good parenting. 

Define the roles and responsibilities of the child in housekeeping or culture of the house.  Clarify that responsibilities come before rights. 

Trust and respect should be the tone while interacting with teachers, children or school. 

Best Wishes

Seetha Murty