Character first. Competence next. 

At Silver Oaks, we consider character building as the primary goal of education. Through character, we aspire to build competence. Both are equally important. This inside out approach of character before competence, helps us in holistic education. 

Basic Expectations from Students

Respect school and everything associated with it. 

No bullying.

No abusive language.

Timely submission of work. 

Say no to peer pressure. 

No gadgets to school. 

No social media accounts until legal age is attained. 

No pictures of school premises, students in uniforms or school events or memes on school can be posted on any social media account. This is considered highly objectionable by school. 

Follow the uniform rules. 

Boys: Hair and nails trimmed and clean shaven.  

Girls: No revealing or short clothes in school. Hair tied in black bands only. 

Dignified behaviour at all times and in all places.

Maintain silence in school assemblies. 

No Birthday parties. 

No smart watches with SIM access.

No Phones will be allowed in the classes. 

No Pokemon or Trade cards.

Silent Days in Buses are to be strictly followed

Silent Zones in the school are to be strictly followed

Note: Stern action will be taken on those who do not follow any of the above mentioned points.