The Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms represents the four houses of Silver Oaks

The House of Tigers is defined by ambition, fierceness, and patience. With the unwavering focus of a tiger’s eye, they stay resolutely fixed on their goals. Courage guides their steps as they pursue endeavours in every field, and clarity shapes their purpose, keeping them driven and motivated. The Tigers of Silver Oaks thus embody BRAVEHEARTS, combining strength and determination in their pursuit of excellence.

The House of Hawks embodies the spirit of resilience and precision. Soaring high with an unyielding ambition, the Hawks spread their wings wide, symbolizing their far-reaching aspirations and determination. Their keen vision ensures they never miss their targets, regardless of obstacles, whether from the heights of the sky or the expanse of the ground. United by their sharp focus and forward drive, the Hawks of Silver Oaks are true HAWKEYES, ever vigilant and committed to their goals.

The members of the House of Tuskers stand out as PATHBREAKERS, dedicated to developing exceptional skills and forging new paths. Whether working in groups or individually, they draw on their inherent strength and sharp listening abilities. Their exceptional memory ensures they retain and utilize knowledge effectively. The Tuskers of Silver Oaks are the intellectual force of the school, combining innovation with wisdom.

The House of Whales at Silver Oaks symbolizes strength, stamina, and a spirit of adventure. Whether navigating deep oceans or far shores, through rough waters or high tides, they lead with resilience and courage. Known for their caring and communicative nature, they maintain a balanced and open-minded approach. The Whales of Silver Oaks are thus TORCHBEARERS of character and competence, exemplifying integrity and excellence in all their endeavors.

Only students from Grade 3 and above are sorted into Houses.

Different houses compete with each other to win the Rolling Trophy at the end of the year.