Virtues of the Month


September's Virtue = Responsibility

Being accountable for your actions and striving to make smart decisions.

When you are responsible, people can count on you to do things with excellence.

October's Virtue = Respect

Honoring yourself and others through your words and actions.

Recognizing the dignity and worth of all people, and treating everyone with courtesy.

November's Virtue = Thankfulness

Having an attitude of gratitude.

Being able to recognize and appreciate the blessings in our lives.

December's Virtue = Wonder

An ability to see the "Wow" in the small and big moments.

Appreciation for what is precious and inspiring.

January's Virtue = Self-Confidence

Trusting that we have the ability to cope with whatever happens in life.

Believing in yourself, so you embrace trying new things.

February's Virtue = Loyalty

Devotion to people and ideas we care about.

To show devotion to family, friends, country, and ideals.

March's Virtue = Fairness

Seeking justice in all situations.

Making decisions free from discrimination, so everyone's needs are met.

April's Virtue = Courage

To act according to what is right, even when it is hard or scary.

Courage is bravery in the face of fear.

May's Virtue = Serenity

The ability to remain calm and mindful, even when facing challenges.

Having a peaceful state of mind, even with life's ups and downs.

June's Virtue = Enthusiasm

Excitement for life.

To have a positive attitude and approach tasks eagerly.